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A message from our leaders

A Message From Our Leaders.

Welcome to the Sovran Shopping Club, and thank you for visiting our website. We hope you have taken the time to look around and become familiar with what the Shopping Club can offer you.

What is the Sovran Shopping Club?

In short, a Private eCommerce platform designed to restore freedom and prosperity to small businesses. Our primary focus is to support Merchants in their local communities, beginning in Canada and eventually moving to the US, Europe, Australia, and the rest of the world. During the last couple of years, vendors and shops have been decimated, and many will never reopen. This hurts individuals and their families and gives larger stores more of a monopoly, further damaging the chances for small businesses. Many Merchants live in the area where they have their businesses, supporting children's activities, offering great services to their customers, and are well-established members of the neighbourhood.

We tend to forget that communities are connected by a shared environment, which strongly influences the people who live there through a network of events, businesses, and friends with whom they share their lives.

Why the need for an alternative currency? 

When we look at the state of our financial system today, the future seems very uncertain.

DeDollarization is increasing rapidly. The stock market is in turmoil. Bitcoin is highly volatile, with many of the original altcoins having long since disappeared and ever-increasing regulations and restrictions from a financial system that does not serve our best interests. 

Once the current system finally ends, new invasive technologies are being developed to identify and monitor every aspect of a person's daily life, including how much money they are allowed to have and where they are allowed to spend it.

According to Catherine Austin Fitts, an American Investment banker who served as US Assistant Secretary of Housing during the Bush administration, "digital money controlled by the government could be confiscated at any time."

Adding to this spiraling debt crisis and lack of control over one's hard-earned money is the fact that the governments appear to support big box stores while actively working to ruin small businesses. A new economic impact report from Yelp shows that 60% of businesses on the platform that closed during the COVID-19 pandemic will not be reopening.

So what does the Sovran Shopping Club offer? 

In short, protection. An alternative closed and private economy that is easy to use, allowing its Members to save for the future and avoid the devastating effects of hyperinflation caused by unsustainable debt. 

Sovran does this in a brilliant way by creating a digital currency backed by multiple currencies and commodities from around the world. By doing this, a much more stable form of commerce can be applied instead of using solely dollars.

Our Club also offers patented encryption, providing high standards for security when using Sovran digital currency and assets.

Another fantastic benefit is the savings you get when shopping with Sovran Merchants, a significant advantage in today's economy. As a Sovran Member, all Merchants are able to offer great discounts through our easy-to-use system.

Why are we doing this? 

Small business is the backbone of every country, and we cannot survive without them. They bring balance back to our economy and maintain a standard of living that has been systematically eroded over time.

Big box stores have seriously harmed small businesses, and the choice of where to shop is dictated to us more and more every day. We offer an alternative, parallel economy to a very centralized system.

Who are we? 

We are a group of people who want to make the world a safe and decent place to live again. We are freedom-loving people who value choice, help one another, support small businesses, and want independence over control. 

We hope you join us as a Member and support our Club Merchants. Our Goal is to Protect, Save and Grow your wealth now and into the future.


Sovran Shopping Club Team